Well the name of this software could lead to some confusion, SpyMe?  Now why would I want to Spy myself, there is enough of a hassle with Spyware as it is..

Well this is different, this software is actually ‘your spy’ against other software.  Let’s say you are installing a new piece of software, but actually really would like to know what exactly this software does – what files it installs – what registry changes it does, etc etc etc.  Well this software will, much like the utilities used for making software packages .msi etc, create a before and after snapshot and you can thus see exactly what was done.  As I read it it also offers real time viewing of all activities..

It all sounds nice, and as its FREEWARE you’ll not be ruined 😉

I still would advocate for “Sandbox-IE” as it also offers an undo function, but still – should you just want to keep a short leach on some software installed on your pc this just might be what you are looking for.
