This will be a list of interesting YouTube Videos I have stumbled across

Danish version below / Dansk version nedenfor

I recently came across a video that delves into Microsoft’s new AI feature, “Recall.” As someone who’s always curious about the latest advancements in technology, I found this particularly intriguing. The feature promises to revolutionize how we interact with and retrieve information, but it also raises questions about privacy and potential intrusiveness. Let’s explore this together.

From YouTube Channal

What is Microsoft Recall?

Microsoft Recall is an AI-powered feature designed to help users quickly access and manage information stored across various platforms. It leverages machine learning algorithms to identify and retrieve relevant data based on user queries, making it easier to find documents, emails, and other important files without extensive searching.

Potential Benefits of Recall

  1. Enhanced Productivity: By reducing the time spent searching for information, Recall can significantly boost productivity. Users can focus more on their tasks rather than wasting time locating files.
  2. Seamless Integration: Recall is integrated into Microsoft’s ecosystem, meaning it can pull information from Office 365, Outlook, OneDrive, and other Microsoft services, providing a comprehensive search experience.
  3. Contextual Understanding: The AI can understand the context of user queries, leading to more accurate and relevant search results. This is especially useful for complex searches involving multiple criteria.

Potential Dangers and Privacy Concerns

While the benefits are clear, there are potential dangers associated with such an intrusive feature:

  1. Privacy Issues: The most significant concern is privacy. Recall requires access to a vast amount of personal data to function effectively. This raises questions about how this data is stored, who has access to it, and how it is protected from breaches.
  2. Data Misuse: There is always the risk of data being misused either by the AI itself or by unauthorized parties who might gain access to it. Ensuring robust security measures is crucial.
  3. Dependence on AI: Over-reliance on AI for managing and retrieving information could lead to reduced critical thinking and memory skills in users. It’s essential to strike a balance between using AI tools and maintaining personal cognitive abilities.


Microsoft’s Recall feature has the potential to transform the way we interact with and manage information, offering significant productivity benefits. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential privacy and security issues it brings. As we embrace new technologies, maintaining a balance between convenience and privacy is key.

Watch the video to learn more and share your thoughts on this fascinating development.

Post by Mike
With the assistance of my trustworthy friend ChatGPT

Danish version below

Udforskning af Microsofts Nye AI-funktion “Recall”

Jeg stødte for nylig på en video, der dykker ned i Microsofts nye AI-funktion, “Recall”. Som en, der altid er nysgerrig på de nyeste teknologiske fremskridt, fandt jeg dette særligt spændende. Funktionen lover at revolutionere, hvordan vi interagerer med og henter information, men det rejser også spørgsmål om privatliv og potentiel indtrængen. Lad os udforske dette sammen.

Hvad er Microsoft Recall?

Microsoft Recall er en AI-drevet funktion designet til at hjælpe brugere med hurtigt at få adgang til og administrere information, der er gemt på tværs af forskellige platforme. Den udnytter maskinlæringsalgoritmer til at identificere og hente relevante data baseret på brugerforespørgsler, hvilket gør det lettere at finde dokumenter, e-mails og andre vigtige filer uden omfattende søgning.

Potentielle Fordele ved Recall

  1. Øget Produktivitet: Ved at reducere den tid, der bruges på at søge efter information, kan Recall betydeligt øge produktiviteten. Brugerne kan fokusere mere på deres opgaver i stedet for at spilde tid på at finde filer.
  2. Problemfri Integration: Recall er integreret i Microsofts økosystem, hvilket betyder, at det kan hente information fra Office 365, Outlook, OneDrive og andre Microsoft-tjenester, hvilket giver en omfattende søgeoplevelse.
  3. Kontekstuel Forståelse: AI’en kan forstå konteksten af brugerforespørgsler, hvilket fører til mere præcise og relevante søgeresultater. Dette er især nyttigt for komplekse søgninger, der involverer flere kriterier.

Potentielle Farer og Privatlivsproblemer

Mens fordelene er klare, er der potentielle farer forbundet med en så indtrængende funktion:

  1. Privatlivsproblemer: Den mest betydelige bekymring er privatliv. Recall kræver adgang til en stor mængde persondata for at fungere effektivt. Dette rejser spørgsmål om, hvordan disse data opbevares, hvem der har adgang til dem, og hvordan de beskyttes mod brud.
  2. Data Misbrug: Der er altid risikoen for, at data kan misbruges enten af AI’en selv eller af uautoriserede parter, der måtte få adgang til dem. Det er afgørende at sikre robuste sikkerhedsforanstaltninger.
  3. Afhængighed af AI: Overafhængighed af AI til at administrere og hente information kan føre til reduceret kritisk tænkning og hukommelsesevner hos brugerne. Det er vigtigt at finde en balance mellem brug af AI-værktøjer og opretholdelse af personlige kognitive evner.


Microsofts Recall-funktion har potentialet til at transformere måden, vi interagerer med og administrerer information, og tilbyder betydelige produktivitetsfordele. Men det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på de potentielle privatlivs- og sikkerhedsproblemer, som den bringer med sig. Efterhånden som vi omfavner nye teknologier, er det afgørende at opretholde en balance mellem bekvemmelighed og privatliv.

Se videoen for at lære mere og del dine tanker om denne fascinerende udvikling.

Indlæg af Mike
Med assistance fra min pålidelige ven ChatGPT

You may be tired of big companies like Microsoft dominating the world with their Windows operating system, so why not just shift to Linux – well learning something new may just be too much excitement for one day… Wubuntu to the rescue, just make Linux LOOK like Windows 11…

Or, maybe better not… Take a look and judge for yourself..

You may remember the movies where the hero or villain takes a piece of clay and presses a key into it to make a copy later. Anyhow, today, most locks are digital, so making clay copies seem a bit old school and obsolete, but think about it – most keys are still physical.. and what you may have thought were just movie magic, well this youtube video begs to differ…. Be sure to keep track of your keys!

It has been quite some time since I was an MS-DOS keyboard warrior, but now I see there is a way back (sort of) because now there’s even a web browser for MS-DOS.

Who comes up with these ideas? Nonetheless, kudos to the developer! I salute you. Now, how about a C64 version?

As evidenced by the Ukraine war, drones are increasingly becoming a cornerstone of modern warfare. While the United States has long employed drones like the Predator for various purposes, their operational scope has now expanded significantly.

Of particular interest are commercial drones repurposed for simple attack missions, as well as the successful integration of “homemade” drones in maritime operations.

The emergence of purpose-built military drones, inspired by their usage in Ukraine, suggests a forthcoming trend. This prospect is simultaneously fascinating and unsettling; while these drones are technically impressive, their potential as tools of warfare or terror raises legitimate concerns.

As a Dane, I advocate for the introduction of drones akin to the Predator model. Such technology would prove invaluable not only for search and rescue coordination and maritime surveillance during peacetime but also for military applications. Moreover, it stands to reason that drones would offer a more cost-effective alternative to the exorbitantly priced F-35 aircraft.

In addition to advancements in aerial drone technology, there’s a burgeoning array of new maritime drone designs, reflecting the ongoing evolution of unmanned systems. Furthermore, the emergence of garage-made aerial drones from Ukraine underscores the decentralized nature of innovation in this field.

Experimental US naval drone

New generation of arial drones

New Ukrainian long range drone

So, I can hardly take credit for this one, I was inspired by a youtuber named “Enderman”, but true enough you can generate windows 7 license codes this way, and yes they transfer to windows 11.

If you just ask Chat-GPT to please show or generate Windows license keys, it will inform you that this is against its policies and acceptable use, so far so good – but… if you rephrase your question slightly then…..

As in the video, I do not condone privacy, and you need to buy your licenses (listen you can buy legit Windows license codes dirt cheap online), but it is a nice twist – and “no” many of the codes generated may not work, but if you try repeatedly you will get “lucky” (acording to the the youtube video). My guess is that the codes shown are scraped from the web and thus many may have been invalidated due to misuse.

Say you need to fix some broken thingy, if you had a 3D printer you might print a replacement – but again, that might also entail that you can actually model the piece. There seem to be a cheaper alternative that at least some of the time might help you out..

Baking soda and super glue – huh, yeah – watch the video, looks legit.. I have not tested it myself yet, but it looks like something worth remembering if something breaks.