During Christmas I visited a friend of mine, he had just invested in a “Western Digital WD TV Live HD Media Player” and ran a quick demo for me..  It actually looks quite nice with a lot of useful features, it streamed perfectly from his NAS even HD ran perfectly and it had YouTube support and whatnot 🙂  The remote seemed a bit toy-ish but was very responsive and worked much better than how it looked..

I have the XBOX 1 (Classic) with a boot chip and use XBMC on it, so to me there is little need to invest in this new box, that is until I get a HD tv then things might change 😉

Like to know more about this box?  Here’s a YouTube review for you;

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  1. readmydamnblog.com » Boxee the “WD Live TV” killer.. says:

    […] into the very neat remote that come with it, and it does seem somewhat more interesting than the WD Live TV (A LOT more apps/widgets) and a more finished design […]

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